The multi award-winning Hill Street Blues is the critically acclaimed story of an overworked, under-staffed police precinct in an anonymous inner city patterned after Chicago. This groundbreaking crime drama from acclaimed producer Steven Bochco follows one of the first truly ensemble casts on TV. The action centres on a chaotic police precinct torn by crime and racial tension providing a realistic view of the private and work lives of everyone from the beat cops to the police captain. In the second season, the relentless barrage of crime continues, beginning when an ex-gang leader returns and reclaims his place at the top of the Black Arrow gang. Hill Street Blues established the fast-paced, gritty, verite style that would spawn countless imitators such as NYPD Blue and L.A. Law. It is quite simply, the most groundbreaking in recent memory and is essential viewing for all lovers of quality entertainment. |