Grey Wolf - The Escape Of Adolf Hitler |
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Det findes en gruppe mennesker, der tror at Adolf Hitler ikke døde i bunkeren men lykkedes at flygte til Argentina. Via øjenvidners historier følger dramadokumentaren "Grey Wolf - The Escape of Adolf Hitler" hans påståede flugtt fra Berlin d. 28. april 1945 til Kanarieøerne og videre med ubåd til Argentina. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Dramatisation of the novel by Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams. On 30th April 1945 the world was told that Adolf Hitler was dead... but was he? Eye witnesses and testimonials recorded over the years suggest that Hitler actually escaped his fate and fled to Argentina to start a new life. A wife, two children and a home in the country; could Hitler really have had a normal life? |
| Instruktør: Gerrard Williams
Medvirkende: Dante Venesio María Dondero Maria Heller Pietro Gian
Producent: Gerrard Williams Magnus Peterson Mariana Shina Pietro Gian
Forfatter: Gerrard Williams Simon Dunstan Simon Dustan