Solopgang | Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans |
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| Sprog: Engelsk (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Undertekst: Dansk, Norsk
Billedeformat: Fullscreen 1.33:1 (4:3)
Antal disk: | |
| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Filmgeniet F.W. Murnau døde allerede som 42-årig, men han havde inden da formået at sætte sit banebrydende fingeraftryk på filmhistorien. Dels som skaber af “Nosferatu”, der stadig regnes for en udødelig milepæl inden for horror-genren, og dels for den både teknisk og fortællemæssigt banebrydende “Sunrise”. Et farligt net af intriger væves, da en gift mand forblændes af en smuk femme fatale og overtales til at myrde sin uskyldsrene hustru. Plaget af skyldfølelse må han tage en indre kamp med sig selv for at afværge den grusomme plan. “Sunrise” er stadig en af de mest fortryllende og hjerteskærende kærlighedshistorier, som filmverdenen nogensinde har set. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] German Expressionist, F.W. Murnau's film won Academy Awards for Best Actress and Best Cinematography and remains a critically acclaimed piece of silent cinema. George O'Brien plays the young farmer who falls for The Woman From the City (Margaret Livingstone) and agrees to murder his Wife (Janet Gaynor) by drowning her. He is unable to fulfil his plan though, and is reconciled with his Wife. Together they embark on a celebratory adventure in the city (one of the most celebrated montage sequences ever filmed), but on their way home The Wife is lost overboard in a storm and believed drowned. The Woman from the City arrives to claim The Man, believing he has committed murder for her; but word arrives that his Wife has been saved and he rushes to her side. |
| Instruktør: F.W. Murnau
Skuespillere: Arthur Housman Barry Norton Bob Kortman Bodil Rosing Clarence Wilson Eddie Boland F.W. Murnau Fletcher Henderson George O'Brien Gibson Gowland Gino Corrado Harry Semels Herman Bing J. Farrell MacDonald Jane Winton Janet Gaynor Leo White Margaret Livingston Phillips Smalley Ralph Sipperly Robert Parrish Sally Eilers Sally Phipps Sidney Bracey Thomas Jefferson
Producent: James Fox
Forfatter: Carl Mayer H.H. Caldwell Hermann Sudermann Katherine Hilliker