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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Mia er en ung kvinde, der har har problemer med alkohol. Sammen med sin bror og en gruppe venner tager hun til en afsidesbeliggende hytte, hvor de finder en bog, der slipper noget ondt løst. Midt ude i vildmarken tvinges vennerne nu til kæmpe for livet. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] First time director Fede Alvarez helms this reworking of Sam Raimi's 1981 cult horror. In an effort to straighten out their drug-ravaged friend Mia (Jane Levy), a group of five 20-somethings decide to decamp to an isolated backwoods cabin in the mountains of Tennessee. Once there, however, the group find themselves beset by demons from the nearby woods when they begin reading from an unearthed Book of the Dead. | Ekstra features:
Making Life Difficult: The Intense and Physicaly Exhausing Creation of the Film Directing the Dead - Dirctor Fede Alvarez Re-images a Cult Horror Classic Being Mia - The Physical and Psychological Transformation into "Evil Mia"
| Instruktør: Fede Alvarez
Skuespillere: Bob Dorian Bruce Campbell Elizabeth Blackmore Ellen Sandweiss Inca Jane Levy Jessica Lucas Jim McLarty Karl Willetts Lou Taylor Pucci Phoenix Connolly Randal Wilson Rupert Degas Shiloh Fernandez Sian Davis Stephen Butterworth
Producent: Bruce Campbell Joseph Drake Maya Fukuzawa Nathan Kahane Peter Schlessel Robert G. Tapert Sally Campbell Sam Raimi
Forfatter: Diablo Cody Fede Alvarez Rodo Sayagues Sam Raimi