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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Zombier er igang med at skabe Jordens undergang. En gruppe mennesker, der flygter fra San Fransico søger ly i fængslet på Alcatraz. Zombierne er lige i hælene på dem, da de finder ud af, at en videnskabsmand på fastlandet, kan have fundet en kur til zombie plagen. De beslutter sig for, at gå i kamp med de døde, forlade øen og finde ham, før det er for sent.. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Made-for-TV action-horror following the aftermath of a zombie outbreak in San Francisco. The survivors, grouped together on Alcatraz Island, home of the famous prison, contain a number of scientists intent on developing a cure for the virus. Led by Dr Dan Halpern (LeVar Burton), they seek to discover the nature of the highly infectious process by which humans are transformed into the undead. However, when the prison is besieged by the zombie hordes some stark choices await those within its walls. In the midst of arguments over how to proceed groups form around the formidable Dr Lynn Snyder (Mariel Hemingway) and the loose cannon Caspian (Danny Trejo). Can they come up with a successful plan of action or will the undead consume them all? |
| Instruktør: Nick Lyon
Skuespillere: Adrian Avila Andy Clemence Angelique Cinelu Chad Lindberg Danny Trejo Ethan Suplee French Stewart Heather Hemmens Hector Luis Bustamante John A. Lorenz Jon Kondelik Keith Allan Kerisse Hutchinson Kim Little LeVar Burton Lilan Bowden Lorenzo Eduardo Madonna Magee Mariel Hemingway Peter Ngo
Producent: Chris Regina David L. Garber David Michael Latt David Rimawi Devin Ward Karen O'Hara Mary E. Brown Paul Bales Ray Cannella Thomas P. Vitale
Forfatter: Delondra Williams Keith Allan