Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] BBC dramaet "Call The Midwife", fortæller en rørende og sand historie om en gruppe jordmødre som arbejder i den østlige del af London i 1950'erne.
Den nyuddannede jordmoder Jenny Lee, er den senest ankomne til Nonnatus House, et kloster i et af de fattigste områder i London. Jenny bliver budt velkommen af nonnerne og de andre jordmødre på stedet, blandt andet Trixie, en pige som sjældent keder sig, den mere fornuftige Cynthia samt Chummy som er fra overklassen.
Selvom Jenny stortrives er hun langt væk fra den verden hun er vant til. Hun fordyber sig i sin nye verden med fødsler, dødsfald, intriger og romantik i et samfund som hun hurtigt lærer at elske. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] The hit BBC drama series which tells the moving and true-to-life stories of a group of midwives working in London's East End in the 1950s. Newly-qualified midwife Jenny Lee is the latest arrival at Nonnatus House, a convent in one of the poorest areas of London. Jenny is welcomed by the nuns and befriended by the other midwives – good-time girl Trixie, sensible Cynthia and fellow newcomer, the posh, fish-out-of water, Chummy. We are introduced to the local community through the eyes of the young nurse as she cycles out to tend to her patients. Although the life that greets Jenny is a world away from what she’s used to, she immerses herself in the births, deaths, intrigues and romances of a community she rapidly learns to love.“Jenny Agutter, Miranda Hart, Pam Ferris and newcomer Jessica Raine are all superb.” The Guardian “Some of the most moving acting shown on prime time for many years ...a terrific drama” Daily Telegraph “Utterly winning ...A drama to answer all our prayers" Sunday Times |