Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Alice er kvinden , der har alt, men ønsker sig noget andet. Hun lever på 16. år sammen med den velhavende forretningsmand Doug i et rutinepræget og noget begivenhedsløst ægteskab. De bor i en stor lejlighed på Manhattan, hvor Alice levet et komfortabelt liv med barnepige, privatmassør, aerobic-instruktør, frisør og en drøm af en minkpels. I sin søgen efter noget nyt og meningsfyldt søger Alice råd hos en kinesisk naturlæge. Hans behandlinger åbner en helt ny verden for den overbeskyttede og forkælede Alice. Hendes liv bliver aldrig det samme igen. Nu ved hun, hvad hun vil ha’- og det er langt fra det hun har…
Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Hilarious and romantic, serious and exuberantly satiric, Alice is the whimsical tale of a pampered New York socialite fumbling towards love, enlightenment .. and just the right acupuncturist. Starring Mia Farrow , William Hurt, Joe Mantegna and Alec Baldwin, Alice glides effortlessly from reality to daydream, and from memory to magic, revealing the intricate and unfathomable unity of human bonds. Alice makes us believe that fairy tales can still happen! For 16 years Alice Tate (Farrow) has been ignored by her husband hust and spoiled by wealth and tranquillised by boredom. But when she unexpectedly falls for a sexy musician (Mantehna) and impulsively consults a mysterious Chinese herbalist for advice Alice begins a madcap journey into a strange new world of possibilities. But as she begins to realise who she is and what she values, Alice must also confront her deepest fears and decide how far she will go for love.. and what she will risk to change her destiny. |