Diary of Anne Frank, The | Anne Franks Dagbog |
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| Sprog: (ikke blevet opdateret)
Undertekst: Dansk, Finsk, Norsk, Svensk
Billedeformat: Widescreen 1.78:1 (16:9)
Antal disk: | |
| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] På sin tretten-års fødselsdag får Anne Frank en dagbog. Ingen anede da, at det hun skrev i den, senere skulle blive en af verdens mest læste bøger.
Stedet er Amsterdam. Hitlers skånselsløse jødeforfølgelser er lige begyndt og for at undgå døden skjulte jøden Otto Frank sin kone Edith og deres 2 døtre, Anna og Margot på et skjult loft. Sammen med dem var også hr. og fru Van Daan, deres søn Peter og tandlægen, Dr. Albert Dussel. I knap to år lever de i en hemmelig og Anne skriver hele tiden om sit og familiens liv...
Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] George Stevens' epic screen adaptation of one of the most moving documents to emerge from World War II - the diary of the thirteen year old Jewish girl - Anne Frank.
To escape the horrors of Nazi Persecution, Otto Frank (Joseph Schildkraut) hid with his wife (Gusti Huber) and their two daughters, Anne (Millie Perkins) and Margot (Diane Baker) in a disused Amsterdam attic for two years. Also hiding with them were Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan (Lou Jacobi and Shelley Winters), their son Peter (Richard Beymer) and a dentist, Mr. Dussel (Ed Wynn).
In her daily journal, Anne recorded the trials and tribulations of the people around her trying to live a normal life in the cramped confines of the tiny attic, whilst under the constant threat of discovery by the Gestapo. The strain and the almost unbearable tension of their situation is skillfully conveyed in this remarkable and poignant, triple Oscar winning movie. |
Awards nomineringer. | |
| Instruktør: George Stevens
Skuespillere: Arthur Berkeley Bruce Walkup Charles Wagenheim Delmar Erickson Diane Baker Dodie Heath Douglas Spencer Ed Wynn Edmund Purdom Frank Tweddell Gretchen Goertz Gusti Huber John Corrydon Joseph Schildkraut Lou Jacobi Millie Perkins Richard Beymer Robert Boon Shelley Winters William Kirschner
Producent: George Stevens George Stevens Jr. William C. Mellor
Forfatter: Albert Hackett Anne Frank Frances Goodrich