The Celts - The Complete Series (BBC Documentary) (2 Disk) |
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| Sprog: Engelsk (Dolby Digital)
Undertekst: Engelsk
Billedeformat: Fullscreen 1.33:1 (4:3)
Antal disk: | | |
| Beskrivelse:
Documentary presented by novelist and broadcaster Frank Delaney exploring the lives of the people who inhabited large areas of Europe around two thousand years ago. Featuring interviews with leading academics on the subject of the Celts, Barry Cunliffe and Proinsias Mac Cana, as well as modern figures who claim to have been influenced by the culture, the documentary takes an in-depth look at how these people we know little about have had an effect on how we live our daily lives.
The series was comprised of 6 episodes:
- The Man with the Golden Shoes
- The Birth of Nations
- A Pagan Trinity
- The Open-Ended Curve
- The Final Conflict
- The Legacy
| Instruktør: David Richardson
Medvirkende: Barry Cunliffe Enya Frank Delaney Jorg Biel Peter Reynolds Peter Young Proinsias Mac Cana Richard Holmes
Producent: Gordon Menzies Tony Macaulay