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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Året er 1974, og Storbritannien er midt i en lavkonjuktur, præget af oliekrise og tilbagevendende strømafbrud. Familien Maynard har det svært præcis som alle andre, men den brogede familie har fået en snert af opdrift, efter at de er flyttet ind i drømmehuset i Yorkshire. Men det viser sig snart, at huset er hjemsøgt, og at datteren Sally er målet for de onde ånder. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Horror based on the true story of a family haunted by a poltergeist in Yorkshire in the late 1960s. The film, set in 1974, follows Len (Steven Waddington) and Jenny Maynard (Kate Ashfield) and their daughter, Sally (Tasha Connor), as they discover their new home is plagued by a paranormal being. Sally is attacked by the poltergeist on numerous occasions and the family attempt to exorcise the demon from their house but will this rid them of the evil or only make matters worse? |
| Instruktør: Pat Holden
Skuespillere: Alan Brent Andrea Lowe Claire Catterson Craig Parkinson Darren Lynch Emma Hewitt Gary Lewis Graham Hornsby Hannah Clifford Hester Evans Jacob Clarke Jim Millea Jo Hartley Joe Hartley Karl Hayes Kate Ashfield Katie Lockwood Martin Compston Martina McClements Matt Connor Molly Windsor Morgan Connell Nathan Morrisroe Nicky Bell Peter Egan Sean Corey Steven Waddington Tasha Connor Tony Pitts Tracy Goodwin Wayne Ewart
Producent: Bil Bungay David Mutch David Pugh Deepak Nayar Marshal Leviten Marshall Leviten
Forfatter: Pat Holden