Crystal Fairy and the Magical Cactus |
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| Sprog: Engelsk (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Undertekst: Dansk, Finsk, Norsk, Svensk
Billedeformat: Widescreen 2.35:1 (16:9) (1080p High Definition)
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Den nervøse og selvretfærdige amerikanske backpacker Jamie er i Chile med et simpelt mål - at teste et mytologisk hallucinogen med sine nyfundne venner. Men da han får en hippiepige fra hjemlandet på slæb, går hans perfekte plan i vasken. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Sebastián Silva directs this comedy adventure following a group of friends in search of a memorable hallucinogenic experience. Jamie (Michael Cera) and his companions are on a road trip in Chile when they meet an eccentric fellow American who calls herself Crystal Fairy (Gaby Hoffman). Intoxicated by the party atmosphere, Jamie invites Crystal to join them on their trip - something he regrets the next morning when he discovers that her laid-back personality conflicts with his desire for control. Jamie has his heart set on trying a cult hallucinogenic called the San Pedro Cactus and is worried that Crystal will disrupt his well-laid plans. Will his perspective be altered when the time comes to sample the drug? |
| Instruktør: Sebastián Silva
Skuespillere: Agustín Silva Angelica Maria Flores Pontigo Carlos Rojas Esteban Carreño Gaby Hoffman Gaby Hoffmann Garciela Gonzalez Cruz Gary Boyd Gepe Gina Nicolich Perez Gracia Ariztia Joanan Andrea Nicolich Harixtich José Miguel Silva Juan Andrés Silva Juan Carlos Lara II Kasandra California Mamani Manuela Baldovino Margarita Maria Nicolich Maria Eugênia Cortez Maria Isabel Pontigo Nicolich Mariana Nicolich Aristich Marinés Muñoz Mark Grattan Michael Cera Nancy Castillo Natalie California California Rosa Vega Rojas Sebastián Silva Sol Squire Violeta Nicolich Nicolich
Producent: Andrea Carrasco Stuven Cristóbal Sotomayor Florencia Larrea Juan de Dios Larraín Juan Ignacio Correa Mariane Hartard Pablo Larraín Ricardo González Sebastián Silva
Forfatter: Sebastián Silva