Navy Seals | Navy Seals - The Silent Option |
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] En Navy Seals gruppe ledes af den pligtopfyldende løjtnant James Curran og hans vilde og fandenivoldske næstkommanderende Hawkins. Under en aktion tvinges de til at efterlade et stort lager Stinger-missiler. Det falder ikke i god jord hos Pentagon, så de sendes tilbage efter dem - men kun for at finde kasserne fyldt med sand!. Den fanatiske Al-Shuhada gruppe er kommet dem i forkøbet. Endnu engang må Navy Seals gruppen vise, at der er en god grund til, at de regnes for USA´s bedste og mest toptrænede soldater.. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Charlie Sheen (Platoon), Michael Biehn (The Terminator) and Bill Paxton (Twister) team up as three of America's finest Navy commandos in this pulse-pounding adventure that brings out the heavy artillery for explosive action and breathtaking suspense. The Navy's elite SEAL (Sea, Air and Land) squad is made up of the best of the best: supreme warriors who take on dangerous missions no other fighting force would dare attempt. Sent to rescue the crew of a US aircraft held hostage by Middle East terrorists, the SEALs know that their skills will be put to the test. But when they discover that the terrorists have seized the plane's arsenal of deadly Stinger missiles, they're thrust onto the frontlines of the battle of a lifetime. |
| Instruktør: Lewis Teague
Skuespillere: Adam Hussein Bill Paxton Cathryn de Prume Charlie Sheen Cyril O'Reilly Dennis Haysbert Duncan Smith Ezra Abraham George Jackos Gregory McKinney Ian Tyler Ira Wheeler Joanne Whalley John Pruitt Julie Selzer Marc Zuber Mark Carlton Michael Biehn Michael Fitzpatrick Michael Halphie Nehme Fadlallah Nicholas Kadi Paul Sanchez Randy Hall Richard Venture Rick Rossovich Rob Moran Ron Faber Ronald G. Joseph S. Epatha Merkerson Sally Dennison Titus Welliver Tom Sean Foley Vic Tablian William Cort William Hubbard Knight William Knight William Roberts
Producent: Bernard Williams Brenda Feigen
Forfatter: Chuck Pfarrer Gary Goldman