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Angry Birds Toons - Season 1 (3 Disk)

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Genre:Tegnefilm, T.V. Produktion
Udgiver:Sony Pictures
Aldersgrænse: Tilladt for alle.
Længde:ca. 2 timer 20 minutter

  1 stk. på lager
 Pris:  49,95 DKK
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Dansk (Dolby Digital 5.1)

(ikke blevet opdateret)

Widescreen 1.78:1 (16:9) (Anamorphic)

Antal disk: 


All 52 episodes from the Finnish-made children's animation based on the popular video game franchise. Like the game, the series follows the rivalry between the pigs of Piggy Island and the birds who flock there. Despite the continual attempts of the pigs to drive the feathered inhabitants of the island away, these birds are no mere victims. Red (voice of Antti Pääkkönen) and his friends Chuck (Pääkkönen), Bomb (Pasi Ruohönen), Matilda (Pääkkönen), the Blues (Lynne Guaglione and Heljä Heikkinen) and Terence (Heikkinen) are more than prepared to fight to protect their eggs.

The Episodes:
  1. Chuck Time
  2. Where's My Crown?
  3. Full Metal Chuck
  4. Another Birthday
  5. Egg Sounds
  6. Pig Talent
  7. Cordon Bleugh
  8. True Blue?
  9. Do As I Say!
  10. Off Duty
  11. Slingshot 101
  12. Thunder Chuck
  13. Gardening With Terence
  14. Dopeys On a Rope
  15. Trojan Egg
  16. Double Take
  17. Crash Test Piggies
  18. Slappy-Go-Lucky
  19. Sneezy Does It
  20. Run Chuck Run
  21. Hypno Pigs
  22. Egg's Day Out
  23. Gatecrasher
  24. Hog Roast
  25. The Bird That Cried Pig
  26. Hamshank Redemption
  27. Green Pig Soup
  28. Catch of the Day
  29. Nighty Night Terence
  30. Piggy Wig
  31. Pig Plot Potion
  32. Tooth Royal
  33. Night of the Living Pork
  34. King of the Castle
  35. Love Is in the Air
  36. Fired Up
  37. Clash of Corns
  38. A Pig's Best Friend
  39. Slumber Mill
  40. Jingle Yells
  41. El Porkador!
  42. Hiccups
  43. The Butterfly Effect
  44. Hambo
  45. Bird Flu!
  46. Piggies from the Deep
  47. Oh Gnome!
  48. Shrub It In
  49. The Truce
  50. Operation Opera
  51. Chucked Out
  52. Bomb's Awake

Eric Guaglione

Antti Pääkkönen
Heljä Heikkinen
Lynne Guaglione
Pasi Ruohönen

Mikael Hed
Mikko Pöllä
Nick Dorra

Anastasia Heinzl
Ian Carney