Loving Vincent | La passion Van Gogh |
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| Sprog: Engelsk (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Undertekst: Dansk
Billedeformat: Widescreen (16:9)
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] 150 kunstnere har malet hvert eneste af de malerier, der krævedes til filmens 65.000 frames. Resultatet er en farvestrålende, fascinerende og rørende beretning om skaberglæde og lidenskab, passion og fortvivlelse produceret af de Oscar-vindende Breakthru Films og Trademark Films. Udelukkende lavet af oliemaling.
Det er den 29. juli 1890. En såret mand vakler ned ad gaden i den lille franske by Auvres. Han holder sine hænder mod et frisk skudsår i maven. Manden er Vincent van Gogh. På det tidspunkt endnu ukendt for omverden, i dag en af historiens største kunstnere. Hans tragiske død er den dag i dag omgærdet af mystik og spekulationer, for hvem var det, der skød?
Loving Vincent er en helt usædvanlig film, der omfavner van Goghs kunstnerskab, skæbne og død gennem stemmen i hans breve og giver nyt liv til personerne på malerierne.
- Oscar nomineret: Bedste animationsfilm - Golden Globe nomineret: Bedste animationsfilm - European Film Award vinder: Bedste animationsfilm Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman co-write and direct this animated biographical drama. The first fully hand-painted animated feature, the film tells the story of renowned Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh (voice of Robert Gulaczyk) and the circumstances surrounding his death. Following the painter's suicide, young postman Armand Roulin (Douglas Booth) travels north from Arles in southern France to Auvers to deliver a final letter to Van Gogh's brother. Discovering that he is also dead, Armand decides to try and find out more about the mysterious circumstances surrounding the artist's sudden death. Speaking with those who were with him in the days before his suicide, Armand does his best to piece together the events which ultimately led to Van Gogh's tragic passing.
A true labour of love, written and directed by Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman, each of the film's 65,000 frames is an oil painting on canvas, using the same technique as Van Gogh, created by a team of 115 painters. |
| Instruktør: Dorota Kobiela Hugh Welchman
Skuespillere: Adam Pabudzinski Aidan Turner Anastazja Seweryn Andrew Scott-Marshall Bartlomiej Sroka Bill Thomas Borys Dominiuk Bozena Berlinska-Bryzek Carole Le Clanche Cezary Lukaszewicz Chris O'Dowd Douglas Booth Eleanor Tomlinson Graham Pavey Helen McCrory Holly Earl James Greene Jerome Flynn Joe Stuckey John Sessions Josh Burdett Kamila Dyoubari Keith Heppenstall Marcin Sosinski Martin Herdman Nina Supranionek Piotr Pamula Przemyslaw Furdak Richard Banks Robert Gulaczyk Robin Hodges Saoirse Ronan Shaun Newnham
Producent: Charlotte Ubben Claudia Bluemhuber Cleone Clarke David Parfitt Edward Noeltner Gerd Schepers Hugh Welchman Ian Hutchinson Ivan Mactaggart Jonathan Feroze Laurie Ubben Richard Londesborough Sean M. Bobbitt Tim Dennison
Forfatter: Dorota Kobiela Hugh Welchman Jacek Dehnel