Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Alex Grady lever alene med sin 5 årige søn og har fundet en barsk hobby i karate. Han udvælges til det amerikanske landshold sammen med fire andre eksperter. Målet er en landskamp mod Syd-Korea, men inden de når så langt, er holdet næsten allerede splittet af fortidens skygger med død og lemlæstelse. Før man kan vinde over sin modstander, må man stå ansigt til ansigt med en endnu farligere fjende: sin egen angst!. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Karate, the ancient martial art and modern international sport is a contest of body, mind and spirit where often the toughest competition is against yourself. Alex Grady (Eric Roberts), an Oregon welder and widowed father of a five-year-old son is chosen for the United States National Karate Team. He finds himself in the company of Tommy Lee (Philip Rhee), a soft-spoken karate instructor; Travis Brickley (Christopher Penn), an urban cowboy with an attitude; Virgil Keller (John Dye), a New England Buddhist; Sonny Grasso (David Agresta), a gregarious Italian from Detroit and their coach Frank Kouzo (James Earl Jones), a hardened veteran of high-powered Karate competition. It's a team with rough edges and problems that must be resolved if they're to win the international competition in Seoul, Korea. The team's corporate sponsor brings in an unorthodox trainer, Catherine Wade (Sally Kirkland), to teach the men to focus their minds and bodies. During the three month training period, Wade, a stunning beauty trained in Eastern Philosophy as well as martial arts, tangles with Couzo over his approach to winning at all costs. What follows is a battle where each competitor attempts to defeat the opposition and become the Best of the Best. |