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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Fred og Emily arver en formue og køber billetter til et krydstogt. Afvist af deres snobbede medpassagerer genopdager de deres romantiske følelser med hylende komisk resultat. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Early British talkie from master of suspense Alfred Hitchcock. Fred (Henry Kendall) and Emily Hill (Joan Barry) are bored with their marital lifestyle in dreary London, and so jump at the chance of a cruise round the world when they receive an inheritance from a wealthy uncle. However, all does not go as planned; following a quarrel, the couple split and commence affairs, Fred with an attractive con artist, Emily with an older man. These pecadillos only serve to heighten tensions between the pair, but pale in comparison with the disaster that awaits the couple... |
| Instruktør: Alfred Hitchcock
Skuespillere: Aubrey Dexter Betty Amann Elsie Randolph Hannah Jones Henry Kendall Joan Barry Percy Marmont
Producent: John Maxwell
Forfatter: Alfred Hitchcock Alma Reville Dale Collins Val Valentine