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Thunderbirds 6 - The Movie

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Produceret: 1968
Genre:Børnefilm, Dukkefilm, Science Fiction, T.V. Produktion
Udgiver:MGM Home Entertainment
Aldersgrænse: Tilladt for alle.
Længde:ca. 1 time 26 minutter

  UK Import
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Engelsk (Dolby Digital Mono)

Dansk, Engelsk, Finsk, Norsk, Svensk

Widescreen 2.35:1 (16:9)

Antal disk: 
SS-DL: (DVD-9)

Stand by for another action-packed adventure from the amazing international rescue team! There's excitement, mystery and thrills as the world-famous electronic puppets are faced with a plot to steal their fabulous fleet of rescue planes. The trouble begins when rescue team member Alan Tracy sets out on a holiday with Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward, her chauffeur Parker and their friend Tin-Tin. Once aboard Skyship One they discover that their quarters are bugged. Operation Ambush is underway, and Alan soon learns that a phoney message has sent Thunderbirds One and Two straight into a trap in Casablanca! Back at International Rescue Headquarters, millionaire ex-astronaut Gordon Tracy and his assistant, Brains, must come up with a plan to avert disaster - fast. How will they rescue the hostages aboard Skyship One, save the Thunderbirds and bring the criminals to justice? You'll love finding out in every action-packed minute of this thrilling airborne adventure. So buckle up and take off - with Thunderbird 6!
Ekstra features:

Original theatrical trailer, commentary with Sylvia Anderson and David Lane, stills gallery of promotional artwork and behind the scenes.

David Lane

Bruno Mattei
Christine Finn
Gary Files
Geoffrey Keen
Jeremy Wilkin
John Carson
Keith Alexander
Matt Zimmerman
Peter Dyneley
Shane Rimmer
Sylvia Anderson

Gerry Anderson
Sylvia Anderson

Gerry Anderson
Sylvia Anderson