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Return Of Superfly, The

Vis stor:  []

Produceret: 1990
Genre:Action, Krimi, Blaxploitation
Aldersgrænse: Tilladt fra 16 år.
Længde:ca. 2 timer

  UK Import
Kan ikke bestilles
Engelsk (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Engelsk (Dolby Digital 2.0)

(ikke blevet opdateret)

Fullscreen 1.33:1 (4:3)

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In this action packed sequel Eddie Baker (Rony Clanton) is brutally murdered by drug dealers. Later, expatriate and reformed drug-dealer Superfly (Nathan Purdee) is conned into returning to the US from Paris by federal drug agents. He must then let his former cronies know that he wants back into the drug business. Superfly hasn't been a dealer for over twenty years and doesn't realise that drug dealing has become an even more deadly game.
His sudden reappearance rouses the suspicion of two crooked cops controlling the city's drug flow. They are unsure which side of the law he is on and not anxious to allow him a piece of the action. Fortunately for 'Fly' a good buddy fills him in on modern drug trafficking. He decides to go back to Paris, but then the US agents force him to change his plans. Later Superfly is beaten by the drug lord's men and his lady friend is shot. Now nothing will prevent the enraged hero from getting his revenge.

Sig Shore

Arnold Mazer
Carlos Carrasco
Christopher Curry
David Groh
Eric Payne
John Gabriel
Kirk Taylor
Leonard L. Thomas
Luis Ramos
Margaret Avery
Nathan Purdee
Patrice Ablack
Ruthanna Graves
Samuel L. Jackson
Tico Wells

Anthony Wisdom
Rudy Cohen
Sig Shore