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Project Vampire

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Produceret: 1993
Genre:Drama, Gyserfilm / Horror
Keywords:Medicin, Vampyrer
Udgiver:Slam Music - Dancebuy
Aldersgrænse: Tilladt fra 15 år.
Længde:ca. 2 timer

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Three medical interns escape Project Alpha, a diabolic scheme that produces vampires through Superserum injections. An additional injection of Antidote allows the vampire to masquerade as a human in the daylight. The Superserum as an antidote is distributed worldwide. The vampires produced are physically controlled by Dr. Fredrick Klaus, the master vampire. His goal, with Project Alpha, is politics and business, dominated by vampires. Only Intern Victor Hunter struggles to regain his humanity to stop Klaus and his addicted followers. But time is running out before Victor is one of them.
Ekstra features:

Interactive Menus
Scene Selection

Peter Flynn

Beatrice Dickson
Betsy Ferguson
Bob Rudd
Brian Knudson
Carolyn Wang
Chris DeCanette
Christopher Cho
Christopher Wolf
Connie Singer
Daryl Shannon
Ed You
Forrest Patrick
Gary Nadeau
Geir Ness
Gregory P. Alcus
Jerry West
John-Scott Taylor
Kelvin Tsao
Kim Robert Koscki
Kris Burcham
Leroy Jones
Mark Murphy
Mary Louise Gemmil
Mary Louise Gemmill
Mike McFarland
Myron Natwick
Nancy Gaines
Oliver Leymarie
Paula Randol-Smith
Ray Essler
Scott Blackwood
Steve Hardy
Steve Neale

Daren Hicks
Simon Tams

Peter Flynn