Immortal | Immortel (Ad Vitam) |
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| Sprog: Engelsk (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Undertekst: (ikke blevet opdateret)
Billedeformat: Widescreen (16:9) (Anamorphic)
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] 1500 tegninger, 1400 special effects optagelser, 200 computergrafikere og 4 års hårdt arbejde brugte den forgudede tegneserieskaber Enki Bilal på filmen. Resultatet er et helt enestående fremtidsunivers a la 'Det Femte Element' møder 'Blade Runner' møder 'Stargate'.
Et pyramideformet objekt svæver over New York. Den ældgamle ægyptiske gud Horus har krydset tid og rum for at genvinde sin udødelighed. Han skal besvangre en kvinde. Ikke hvilken som helst kvinde. Kvinden med de blå tårer. Nu er hans søgen forbi. Han fornemmer, at hun er dernede et eller andet sted i menneskemyldret. Han har 7 døgn til at gennemføre sit forehavende. Og ve det menneske, der vover at stille sig imellem Horus og evigheden... Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] In the year 2095, a giant extraterrestrial pyramid appears over New York. Inside, the ancient Egyptian god Horus is told he has just seven days on Earth before his destruction. Seven days to revisit the world he helped create, and mate with the beautiful blue-haired woman Jill Bioskop (Linda Hardy) in the maze of the city.
In order to seduce Jill, Horus must find a human body capable of hosting his own form. In his search for a body that can be possessed without being destroyed, Horus leaves a trail of death and bloodshed behind him. Eventually he discovers Nikopol (Thomas Kretschmann, King Kong, The Pianist), a rebel leader who has been cryogenically frozen for 30 years. Together, Nikopol and Horus pursue Jill, whose strange powers are also being investigated by Doctor Elma Turner (Charlotte Rampling, Swimming Pool).
Directed by influential comic book artist Enki Bilal, based on his own graphic novels, and using state of the art special effects from the Duran Studio (Amelie, Brotherhood of the Wolf), Immortal is one of the first films in the world to be shot almost entirely on green screen. Never before released in the UK, Immortal is a film of extraordinary vision and a treat for comic book and sci-fi fans alike. | Ekstra features:
Original Trailers Making-of Documentary CGI Animation Documentary Stills Gallery
| Instruktør: Enki Bilal
Skuespillere: Allan Wenger Augustin Legrand Barbara Scaff Charlotte Rampling Coralie Seyrig Corinne Jaber Derrick Brenner Dominic Gould Dominique Mahut Frédéric Pierrot Gary Cowan Geoffrey Carey Geoffrey Greenhill Goran Vejvoda Helen Later Jacquelyn Toman Javon Constantin Jerry Di Giacomo Joe Sheridan Lemmy Constantine Leslie Clack Linda Hardy Olivier Achard Owen Steketee Paul Bandey Paul Barrett Robert Dauney Thomas Kretschmann Thomas M. Pollard Thomas Murat Yann Collette
Producent: Charles Gassot Daniel J. Walker Dominique Brunner Sylvie Chevereau-Marchais
Forfatter: Enki Bilal Serge Lehman