Peak Practice - Season 3 (Box Set) (4 Disk) | Et Lægehus På Landet - Sæson 3 |
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| Sprog: Engelsk (Dolby Digital 1.0)
Undertekst: Ingen
Billedeformat: Fullscreen 1.33:1 (4:3)
It's been a year since Jack and Beth got married, but their anniversary gets off to a bad start when Jack forgets to mark the occasion. His personal problems take a backseat, however, when he is faced with the job of trying to free a group of trapped schoolchildren whilst at the same time overcoming his own claustrophobia.
Includes Episodes:
- Light At The End Of The Tunnel.
- Tender.
- Coming Out.
- Losing Out.
- To Have And To Hold.
- Fighting Chance.
- Family Ties.
- Ill Wind.
- A Normal Life.
- Walking Away.
- Bedside Manners.
- Giving Up.
- Nobody's Fault.
- Life And Soul.
Other Lives. |