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Scarlet Street

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Produceret: 1945
Genre:Drama, Thriller, Film-Noir, Klassiker
Udgiver:Odeon Entertainment
Aldersgrænse: Tilladt fra 11 år.
Materiale:Sort & hvid
Længde:ca. 2 timer

  UK Import
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Engelsk (Dolby Digital 1.0)

Engelsk for hørehæmmede

Fullscreen 1.33:1 (4:3)

Antal disk: 
SS-DL: (DVD-9)

Edward G. Robinson stars in Fritz Lang's film noir classic about an ordinary man who strays off his normal path into a world of seduction and deceipt. Chris Cross (Robinson) is a mild-mannered accountant, middle-aged, middle-class, and married to a shrewish woman. Walking home from a work dinner held in his honour, Chris rescues a young woman who is being attacked by her lowlife boyfriend. The couple in question, Kitty Marsh (Joan Bennet) and Johnny Prince (Dan Duryea), then see an opportunity to rip off the gallant but boring Chris, using the poor fool's desire for Kitty to draw him into their trap. Chris falls for the bait, and soon finds himself riding a fast track to destruction.
Ekstra features:


Fritz Lang

Anita Sharp-Bolster
Arthur Gould-Porter
Arthur Loft
Byron Foulger
Charles Kemper
Chuck Hamilton
Cy Kendall
Dan Duryea
Dick Curtis
Edgar Dearing
Edward G. Robinson
Fred Essler
Gus Glassmire
Henri DeSoto
Jess Barker
Joan Bennett
Joe Devlin
John Barton
Lance Fuller
Margaret Lindsay
Neal Dodd
Ralph Dunn
Richard Abbott
Richard Cramer
Rodney Bell
Rosalind Ivan
Russell Hicks
Samuel S. Hinds
Sherry Hall
Tom Daly
Tom Dillon
Vladimir Sokoloff
William A. Berke

Camille Grammer
Fritz Lang
Howard Ellis
Walter Wanger

André Mouézy-Éon
Dudley Nichols
Georges De La Fouchardière