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| Sprog: Engelsk (Dolby Digital) Arabisk (Dolby Digital)
Undertekst: Engelsk
Billedeformat: Widescreen 1.77:1 (16:9) (Anamorphic)
Antal disk: | | SS-SL: (DVD-5)
| Beskrivelse:
Documentary by Jihane Noujaim about war, truth and the media, focusing in particular on the 2003 Iraq conflict. Noujaim and her film crew visit the headquarters of Al-Jazeera, the first commercial non-state-owned Arab satellite channel, to find out what the news looks like from the 'other side'. As well as interviewing producers and journalists from Al-Jazeera, Noujaim talks to American correspondents from American news channels NBC and CNN. The resulting documentary raises difficult and disturbing questions about the ethics of a media-managed war, and the function of propaganda in Western society. The film premiered at the 2004 Sundance Film Festival. | Ekstra features:
Documentary(ies) Booklet
| Instruktør: Jehane Noujaim
Medvirkende: David Shuster Deema Khatib Donald Rumsfeld George W. Bush Hassan Ibrahim Josh Rushing Lt. Josh Rushing Samir Khader Tom Mintier
Producent: Abdallah Schleifer Alan Oxman Andrew P. Hurwitz Andrew Rossi Bent-Jorgen Perlmutt Emily Gardiner Hani Salama Jehane Noujaim Mette Hoffman Meyer Nick Fraser Rosadel Varela
Forfatter: Jehane Noujaim Julia Bacha