Star Trek The Next Generation - Borg (Box Set) (4 Disk) |
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Borg'erne er en sejlivet og ondskabsfuld race fra Delta-kvadranten, der gennem flere århundreder har erobret hele civilisationer. De har en evne til at assimilere andre racer og deres teknologier, og derfor bliver Borg'erne mægtigere og mere dødbringende for hver ny erobring, de foretager. RegenerationQ Who?The Best Of Both Worlds, Part 1The Best Of Both Worlds, Part 2I BorgDescent, Part 1Descent, Part 2Scorpion, Part 1Scorpion, Part 2DroneDark FrontierUnimatrix Zero, Part 1Unimatrix Zero, Part 2Endgame
Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Powerful beyond measure, the Borg, an infinitely commanding civilization of enhanced humanoids from the Delta Quadrant, have for centuries conquered entire worlds. Endowed with the ability to assimilate civilizations and their technologies, these cyborgs grow more potent, more immense and more deadly with each conquest.
Episodes featured: 'Regeneration' 'Q Who?' 'The Best Of Both Worlds, Part 1' 'The Best Of Both Worlds, Part 2' 'I Borg' 'Descent, Part 1' 'Descent, Part 2' 'Scorpion, Part 1' 'Scorpion, Part 2' 'Drone' 'Dark Frontier' 'Unimatrix Zero, Part 1' 'Unimatrix Zero, Part 2' 'Endgame' | Ekstra features:
Audio Commentary by Mike Sussman and Phyllis Strong (Regeneration) Text Commentary by Michael and Denise Okuda (The Best Of Both Worlds, Part 1) Text Commentary by Michael and Denise Okuda (The Best Of Both Worlds, Part 2) Text Commentary by Michael and Denise Okuda (Unimatrix Zero, Part 2)
| Instruktør: Alexander Singer Cliff Bole Rob Bowman Robert Lederman
Skuespillere: Brent Spiner Colm Meaney Diana Muldaur Gates McFadden Jeremy Kemp John de Lancie Jonathan Del Arco Jonathan Frakes LeVar Burton Marina Sirtis Michael Dorn Patrick Stewart Whoopi Goldberg Wil Wheaton