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| Sprog: Engelsk (Unknown Sound Format)
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Antal disk: | ![](/x/div/cd.gif) |
| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Kokainhandelen i '70-erne og '80-erne havde en uudslettelig effekt på nutidens Miami. Smuglere og forhandlere ændrede for evigt et søvnigt pensionistsamfund til et af verdens mest glamourøse, hotte steder, epicentret for en årlig forretning til $ 20 mia., brødfødt af Colombias Medellin-kartel. I starten af '80-erne var mordtallene tredoblet og havde gjort Miami til landets hovedstad for mord, og Times forsidehistorie gav byen øgenavnet "Det forsvundne paradis". Med Cocaine Cowboys maler filmskaberen Billy Corben et slående portræt af en kultureksplosion, der stadig giver ekko som Hollywood-myte. Dette er den utrolige, sande historie, der inspirerede "Scarface" og "Miami Vice". Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] The cocaine trade of the 70s and 80s had an indelible impact on contemporary Miami. Smugglers and distributors forever changed a once sleepy retirement community into one of the world's most glamorous hot spots; the epicenter of a $20 billion annual business fed by Colombia's Medellin cartel. By the early 80s, Miami's tripled homicide rate had made it the murder capital of the country, for which a Time cover story dubbed the city Paradise Lost.
With Cocaine Cowboys, filmmaker Billy Corben paints a dazzling portrait of a cultural explosion that still echoes as Hollywood myth. | Ekstra features:
Original Theatrical Trailer. 'Hustlin' With The Godmother' Featurette. Deleted Scenes.
| Instruktør: Billy Corben
Medvirkende: Al Singleton Al Sunshine Alfred Spellman Allegra Riggio Bob Palumbo Edna Buchanan Griselda Blanco Jenna Reeves Jon Roberts Jorge Ayala Joseph Davis Kelly Hughes Louis Caruso Mickey Munday Monica Rooker Nelson Andreu Raul Diaz Sam Burstyn Toni Mooney
Producent: Alfred Spellman Billy Corben Bruno Del Granado David Cypkin