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| Sprog: Engelsk (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Undertekst: Dansk, Engelsk, Finsk, Norsk, Svensk Arabisk, Græsk, Hebræisk, Hindi, Hollandsk, Islandsk, Italiensk, Kroatisk, Polsk, Portugisisk, Slovensk, Tjekkisk, Tyrkisk, Ungarnsk, Engelsk for hørehæmmede
Billedeformat: Widescreen 2.35:1 (16:9) (Anamorphic)
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] FEAR Dot COM er en high-tech, elegant gyser i samme tradition som ”Seven” og ”Silence Of The Lambs” med Stephen Dorff, Natascha McElhone, og Stephen Rea. En række blodige og uhyggeligt ens dødsfald tvinger New York-betjenten Mike Reilly og den smukke sundhedsplejerske Terry Houston til sammen at efterforske de mystiske forbrydelser. Den eneste forbindelse mellem ofrene er deres besøg på et forrykt, voyeuristisk website. For at finde den gale morder, der står bag sitet er Mike og Terry nødt til at logge sig på – og kommer nu til en rædselsvækkende underverden med uhyggelige hallucinationer og mord uden nåde.
Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Mike Reilly is a NYPD detective who has been assigned to look into a string of murders which have taken place in Manhattan, with Terry Houston, a researcher from the city Department of Health, lending her assistance whether Reilly likes it or not. Reilly discovers that all four victims have one thing in common - they were all men who logged on to the same Internet website exactly 48 hours before they were killed. It seems the website features a sexy woman offering kinky fun to those who enter her domain, but clicking the wrong icon takes users on a journey into fear. Reilly decides the only way to find out the truth is to head into the website and find out what follows for the next two days - if he can make it out alive.
| Ekstra features:
Filmmaker's Commentary, Deleted Scene, Making-Of Feature, Filmographies, Photo Gallery and Theatrical Trailer.
| Instruktør: William Malone
Skuespillere: Amelia Curtis Anja Van Greuningen Anjelika Khromova Anna Thalbach Arnita Swanson Astrid Skuyat Birthe Wolter Chris Bearne Dean Gregory Derek Kueter Elizabeth McKechnie Emma Campbell Evie Garratt Frances Potasnik Gesine Cukrowski Gordon Peters Isabelle Van Waes Jana Güttgemanns Jeffrey Combs Joan Austen Kwasi Songui Lex Kreps Mascha Litterscheid Matthias Schweighöfer Michael Sarrazin Natascha McElhone Nigel Terry Nils Brunkhorst Sigal Diamant Siobhan Flynn Stephen Dorff Stephen Rea Sven Pippig Udo Kier
Producent: David Saunders Elie Samaha Frank Hübner Jan Fantl Jean-Marc Félio Limor Diamant Mark Damon Moshe Diamant Rudy Cohen Yoram Barzilai
Forfatter: Josephine Coyle Moshe Diamant