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Thomas & Friends - Together On The Tracks

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Genre:Børnefilm, Børne T.V.
Udgiver:Hit Entertainment
Aldersgrænse: Tilladt for alle.
Længde:ca. 56 minutter

  UK Import
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Engelsk (Dolby Digital 2.0)

Engelsk for hørehæmmede

Widescreen (16:9) (Anamorphic)

Antal disk: 
SS-SL: (DVD-5)

Thomas and Friends return with six brand new adventures which feature everyone's favourite engines as they go about their work on the Island of Sodor.

Molly's Special Special:
Molly is a new engine on the island and is given the job of taking empty trucks back to the coaling plant. Molly is unhappy because she wants to take full trucks like a really useful engine. But after an embarrassing mishap Molly and the other engines learn that empty trucks are important too.

Respect For Gordon:
When Gordon's firebox develops a rattle, the other engines tease him but when they have to do Gordon's work for him, they find it's a lot harder than they thought. They realise that they miss Gordon - even his rattle. Gordon realises that without his friends, his passengers would be stuck.

Emily Knows Best:
Emily is taking passengers to the ruined castle when she decides that she will be queen for a day. Toby doesn't think Emily could be a queen. And when Emily gives Percy some advice on his troublesome trucks which has disastrous results, she realises that being Queen is harder than she thought.

Saving Edward:
When Edward starts wheezing and leaking steam, he doesn't want Sir Topham to find out in case he has to be scrapped. And when Thomas offers to do an important job for him, Sir Topham notices and sends Edward straight to the fitter's yard for repairs.

Rheneas And The Dinosaur:
When some important dinosaur bones are discovered, Mr Percival (the Thin Controller) needs to transport them to the Transfer Yards. He lets Rheneas take the bones on his own but they are too heavy for one engine. So his friend Skarloey helps carry the flatbed to the Transfer Yards with Rheneas - just in time to be photographed with the huge dinosaur.

Thomas And The Golden Eagle:
A golden eagle has been spotted on Sodor. Thomas and Percy are both desperate to see it and agree to help each other with their work, but poor Percy ends up doing all of Thomas' work! Thomas is still looking for the eagle when he suddenly remembers Percy and races back to take Percy's milk to the dairy as quickly as he can.
Ekstra features:

2 Songs And Join The Dots Game.