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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Med sin specialbyggede Sharps-riffel går amerikaneren Matthew Quigley i land i Australien, lokket af den rige ranch-ejer Elliott Marstons annoncering efter en mand med skydefærdigheder. Quigley er lide dele skarpskytte og gentleman og tåler absolut ikke de australske bonderøves behandling af damer. Hans skydefærdigheder og overlevelsesevner får han hårdt brug for, da det går op for ham, at han er hyret til den proces, han hadede og bekæmpede i sit hjemland: udryddelsen af den indfødte befolkning. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Tom Selleck gives the boldest performance of his career in this new style, revisionist western with the panoramic scope of a movie epic. Fierce gunfights, forbidding landscapes, breakneck chases - all hallmarks of the classic western - are reinvented in this hard-pounding actioner that revitalizes the genre and comes out a sure winner. Arriving in Australia with nothing more than a saddle and his prized six-foot Sharps rifle, American sharpshooter Matthew Quigley thinks he's been hired to kill off wild dogs. But when he realises, instead, that his mission is murder - to eliminate the Aborigines from a wealthy cattle baron's land - Quigley refuses and quickly turns from hunter to hunted. Forced to wage a savage war against his former employer, Quigley proves that no one gets the best of a steely-eyed American gunfighter - no one, that is, except the mysterious beauty (Laura San Giacomo, sex, lies & videotape) who rides by his side and captures his heart. | Ekstra features:
Original Theatrical Trailer Interactive Menu Screens Chapter Selection
| Instruktør: Simon Wincer
Skuespillere: Alan Rickman Ben Mendelsohn Brian Ellison Chris Haywood Conor McDermottroe Danny Adcock Danny Baldwin David Slingsby Gerald Egan Guy Norris Jerome Ehlers Jim Willoughby Jon Ewing Jonathan Sweet Karen Davitt Kylie Foster Laura San Giacomo Maeliosa Stafford Mark Minchinton Ollie Hall Roger Ward Ron Haddrick Spike Cherrie Steve Dodd Tim Hughes Tom Selleck Tony Bonner William Zappa
Producent: Alexandra Rose Megan Rose Stanley O'Toole
Forfatter: John Hill