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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Den barske New York strømer John Harris er blevet sendt på tværs af kloden for at rydde op i Londons eksploderende underverden. Unge narkohandlere, koldblodige, uden frygt og uden nåde, holder byen i et jerngreb, med terror og mord som dagens faste menu. Her findes ingen lov eller orden, og hvor ingen lov findes, kan man ikke forvente nogen form for medlidenhed, og slet ikke fra narkostrømeren John Harris. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Harvey Keitel stars as John Harris, a tough New York cop who comes to Britain to help Scotland Yard bust a narcotics racket. It seems that some US dealers are tying to expand across the pond into the lucrative London market, and Harris is convinced that his nemesis Carl Fraser (Viggo Mortensen) is the man in charge of the operation. Determined to put Fraser behind bars, Harris soon starts cutting a violent path through London 's criminal culture, kicking off a bloody battle which could tear the underworld apart. |
| Instruktør: Danny Cannon
Skuespillere: Anna Keaveney Christopher Adamson Clifford Predgen Craig Kelly Dave Duffy David Doyle Dig Wayne Femi Akinyeni Geoffrey McGivern Harvey Keitel Huggy Leaver Iain Glen Jim Duggan John Brobbey John Forgeham John Wood Karina Cryer Keith Allen Miles Petit Nick Burnell Nigel Clauzel Norman Roberts Phil Lonagan Terence Rigby Thandie Newton Viggo Mortensen
Producent: Alison Owen Andrea M. Franden Paul Trijbits Philippe Maigret Richard N. Gladstein Ronna B. Wallace
Forfatter: Danny Cannon David Hilton