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| Sprog: Engelsk (Dolby Digital)
Undertekst: Dansk, Norsk
Billedeformat: Fullscreen 1.33:1 (4:3)
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Denne miniserie fra 1981, som er baseret på Ernest K. Ganns historiske roman The Antagonists, er en filmatisering af en virkelig hændelse i år 72-73, hvor næsten tusind jøder i Jerusalem gjorde oprør mod deres romerske undertrykkere. Efter romerske soldater har belejret hele byen, søger jødiske zeloter ud i bjergerne til fæstningen Masada, hvorfra de forsvarer sig så stædigt, at de formår at få fjenden til at forhandle med dem. De romerske legioners hærfører Cornemius Flavius Silva og zeloternes leder Eleazar ben Yair i god tro forsøger at finde en løsning på den fastlåste situation. Desværre er ingen af den klar over, at rom ikke har til hensigt at bøje sig, hvilket resulterer i en af de største tragedier i den jødiske historie. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Epic historical TV mini-series in which Jewish zealots hold out against the superior numbers of the Roman army. 70 years after the crucifixion, Jerusalem finally falls to Roman rule, with the remaining rebels withdrawing to the heavily fortified mountain stronghold of Masada, south of the city. Safe in their new surroundings, the rebels, led by Eleazar ben Jair (Peter Strauss), make life difficult for the occupying forces, conducting sporadic raids, spoiling supply stores, and generally causing as much grief as possible. The Roman general in charge, Cornelius Flavius Silva (Peter O'Toole), eager to end the stalemate, calls on siege expert Rubrius Gallus (Anthony Quayle) to find a way to breach the fortress. Gallus settles on constructing a giant ramp to finally end the rebellion, the construction of which proves to be long and deadly, as the rebels pour down arrows on the helpless workers. Finally the stage is set for the final onslaught when a huge battering ram is dragged into place. |
| Instruktør: Boris Sagal
Skuespillere: Alan Feinstein Alex Karras Alexander Peleg Anthony Quayle Anthony Valentine Barbara Carrera Christal Blue Christopher Biggins Clive Francis David A. Block David Hooks David Mauro David Opatoshu David Warner Denis Quilley Derek Newark Diana Webster George Innes Giulia Pagano Heinz Bernard Jack Watson Joe Sagal John Phillips John Terry Bell Joseph Wiseman Ken Hutchison Kevin McNally Michael Elphick Michael Schneider Michael Shillo Nick Brimble Nigel Davenport Norman Rossington Patrick Gorman Paul L. Smith Peter O'Toole Peter Strauss Ray Smith Reuven Bar-Yotam Richard Basehart Richard Pierson Timothy West Vernon Dobtcheff Warren Clarke William Morgan Sheppard
Producent: Arnon Milchan George Eckstein Jennings Lang Richard Irving
Forfatter: Ernest K. Gann Joel Oliansky