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Doctor Seuss: The Best Of Dr Seuss (Animated)

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Genre:Børnefilm, Tegnefilm
Udgiver:Warner Home Video
Aldersgrænse: Tilladt for alle.
Længde:ca. 55 minutter

  UK Import
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Engelsk (Dolby Surround 2.0)

Engelsk, Engelsk for hørehæmmede

Fullscreen 1.33:1 (4:3)

Antal disk: 


Dr Seuss, one of the world's best-known and most celebrated children's writers, springs into action in a marvellously animated collection of three of his most wickedly rhyming tales.

Now amazingly in its centenary year (2004), the Dr Seuss franchise has been embraced by fans of all ages and nationalities. The 48 books that Seuss penned during his prolific career have been translated into over 20 languages and have sold more than 250 million copies worldwide and over 6.2 million copies in the UK alone.

The Best of Dr Seuss, which precedes the highly anticipated release of The Cat in The Hat staring Mike Myers, will further extend the appeal of his writing, bringing to life for the first time three of his most memorable tales – welcome to Seussville!

Episode 1: The Butter Battle Book:
Let the Butter Battle Book begin! The Zooks and the Yooks are at war over the butter and bread – on which side should one spread?

Episode 2: Daisy Head Mayzie:
Narrated by the Cat in the Hat, Daisy Head Mayzie, stars as young Mayzie Mcgrew who wakes up one morning to find a daisy has sprouted from the top of her head. Facing her classmates taunts and her parents dismay, Mayzie triumphs at last with the hard-won knowledge that love is more important than fame.

Episode 3: Horton Hatches the Egg:
In Horton Hatches the Egg, Horton proves he's an elephant that meant what he said and said what he meant. That he's an elephant faithful – 100%

Bob Clampett
Ralph Bakshi
Tony Collingwood