Tooth Fairy (Blu-ray + DVD) | Tandfeen |
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Derek Thompson er en af de sejeste hockeyspillere, man kan finde. Lige indtil han bliver dømt til en uges hårdt arbejde som verdens mest mærkværdige tandfe! Selvom han bliver nødt til at have vinger med flæser på og lære de magiske tricks fra sine sølvvingede chefer er Derek fast besluttet på, at han vil kare jobbet på sin egen måde og bevise, at han har, hvad der skal til. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Comedy starring Dwayne Johnson (formerly known as 'The Rock'). Derek Thompson (Johnson) is a hard-hitting hockey player nicknamed 'The Tooth Fairy' due to his reputation of knocking his opponents' teeth out. When Derek insults a young fan, he's sentenced to three weeks' hard labour as a real tooth fairy. He must dress himself in traditional tooth fairy attire, including a tutu, wings and magic wand, and carry out all the customary tooth fairy tasks. Initially disillusioned with his new vocation, Derek soon begins to adapt to his new job and begins to realise his own dreams and ambitions. |
| Instruktør: Michael Lembeck
Skuespillere: Alex Ferris Ashley Judd Barclay Hope Brandon T. Jackson Brendan Penny Chase Ellison Dale Wolfe Dan Joffre Darien Provost David Quinlan Destiny Whitlock Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Ellie Harvie Jill Morrison Josh Emerson Julie Andrews Juno Ruddell Lee Tichon Michael Daingerfield Ron Toffolo Rukiya Bernard Ryan Sheckler Seth MacFarlane Simon King Stephen Holmes Stephen Merchant Steve Levy Steven Anthony Bewley
Producent: Emma Watts Gordon Gray Jason Blum Jim Piddock Kevin Halloran Mark Ciardi
Forfatter: Babaloo Mandel J.R. Ventimilia Jeffrey Ventimilia Jim Piddock Joshua Sternin Lowell Ganz Randi Mayem Singer Randie Mayem Singer