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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] 2. verdenskrig raser i Stillehavet og kommandørløjtnant Duke E Gifford befinder sig midt i kampens hede.
Han evakuerer børn fra øer, som fjenden har indtaget, og han inspicerer udviklingen af torpedoer på Pearl Harbour. Og så går han på jagt i dybet med ubåden "Thunderfish" for at kunne sende sine forbedrede torpedoer af sted mod fjenden. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] World War II rages across the Pacific and Lt. Cmdr. Duke E. Gifford is in the thick of it. He evacuates children from enemy-held islands. Oversees the development of torpedoes at Pearl Harbor. And prowls the depths in the submarine Thunderfish for a chance to aim his improved “tin fish” - torpedoes - at the enemy. John Wayne plays Gifford in Operation Pacific. “I'm no theory man. I'm a line officer,” Gifford barks. He backs it up with lots of bite in several feverish sea battles. He's also a man of heart with a loving wife at home (fellow Academy Award winner*Patricia Neal). Vice Admiral Charles Lockwood, World War II commander of all U.S. Pacific submarines, was technical advisor for this adventure packing real you-are-there thrills!
| Ekstra features:
Original Theatrical Trailer
| Instruktør: George Waggner
Skuespillere: Al Kikume Bess Flowers Bill Campbell Brett King Chris Drake Cliff Clark Gail Davis Gayle Kellogg Jack Pennick James Flavin John Baer John Wayne Kathryn Givney Lewis Martin Louis Mosconi Martin Milner Patricia Neal Paul Picerni Philip Carey Ray Hyke Robert Carson Sam Edwards Scott Forbes Vincent Fotre Virginia Brissac Ward Bond
Producent: Louis F. Edelman
Forfatter: George Waggner