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Blood Night - The Legend of Mary Hatchet

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Produceret: 2009
Genre:Gyserfilm / Horror, Thriller
Udgiver:High Fliers
Aldersgrænse: Tilladt fra 15 år.
Længde:ca. 2 timer

  UK Import
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Sex, guts and gore abound in this slasher horror inspired by the blood-spattered B-movie horror flicks of the 1980s. When a group of Long Island teenagers meet for the annual 'Blood Night' celebration marking the death of local axe-wielding serial killer Mary Hatchet (Samantha Facchi), they find themselves face to face with the horrifying reality behind the legend. As the body count rises, the dark secrets of Mary's grim past start to emerge. Will anyone survive to tell the terrifying tale?

Frank Sabatella

Alissa Dean
Anthony Marks
Bill Moseley
Billy Horton
Billy Magnussen
Blake Ian
Charleigh E. Parker
Chris Margaritis
Connor Fox
Danielle Harris
Danielle Harriss
Darren Ross
Drew Henriksen
Garett Stevens
Giselle Forte
Irene Alexandra
Josh Segarra
Lisamarie Testasecca
Marguerite Stimpson
Mark Santana
Maryam Basir
Matt Giroveanu
Michael Ciesla
Michael Wartella
Nancy Malleo
Nate Dushku
Pasquale Cassalia
Patricia Raven
Ricardo Cordero
Rich Ceraulo
Russel Lewis
Russell Dennis Lewis
Sal Rendino
Samantha Facchi
Samantha Hahn
Samantha Jacober
Samantha Jacobs
Samantha Siong

Bill Moseley
Carlton Hickman
Danielle Harris
Elke Blasi
Frank Mosca
Frank Sabatella
John Morena
Ken Greenblatt
Oguz Goker
Rob Rasko
Stephen Franciosa Jr.

Elke Blasi
Frank Sabatella