Steam Experiment, The | Chaos Experiment, The |
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| Sprog: Engelsk (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Undertekst: (ikke blevet opdateret)
Billedeformat: Widescreen 1.78:1 (16:9) (Anamorphic)
Antal disk: | | SS-SL: (DVD-5)
| Beskrivelse:
The feature revolves around six people trapped and terrorized in an urban Turkish bathhouse.
Kilmer plays a former university professor who overheats his hostages to prove that humans will devolve into chaos under the pressures of global warming. He tells a detective (Assante) that their location will be revealed if his hypothesis is printed as the local paper's front-page headline.
The six potential victims are a former pro football player (Roberts), a former actress (Brown), a nurse (Muldoon), a waitress (Eve Mauro), a restaurateur (Quinn Duffy) and a writer (Cordelia Reynolds). As temperatures rise, the desperate detainees fight for survival. |
| Instruktør: Philippe Martinez
Skuespillere: Armand Assante Carrie Drazek Cordelia Reynolds Doug Alchin Eileen Briesch Eric Roberts Eve Mauro James Cantrell Jana Veldheer Julianne Howe-Bouwens Mark Bonto Megan Brown Michael Travis Mike Karpus Patrick Muldoon Quinn Duffy Rick Robinson Jr. Ricky Wayne Sarah Martinez Shelby Stehlin Val Kilmer Yvonne Misiak
Producent: Anthony Moody Karinne Behr Kevin Budzynski Luc Campeau Mark D. Eaton Philippe Martinez Robert Malkani Robert Mearns Stephen K. Bannon Trevor Drinkwater
Forfatter: Robert Malkani