Landet For Længe Siden 12: Flyvernes Dag | Land Before Time 12: The Great Day Of The Flyers |
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Den vigtigste dag for alle de flyvende indbyggere i Den Store Dal e kommet! Dagen, hvor de unge flyvere skal deltage i en flyveopvisning for at bevise, at de kan klare at flyve sammen med de voksne. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Twelfth Land Before Time animated adventure. Petrie is having a difficult time preparing for 'the day of the flyers' - an important calendar mark for all of the flying residents of the Great Valley. On this special day, all young flyers must participate in a flying exhibition to prove that they are ready to fly with the adults. A nervous flyer, Petrie even has trouble flying with his sibling in precise group formations-he's more of an independent, free-style kind of guy. At the same time, a strange newcomer to the Great Valley has Littlefoot and his friends trying to help figure out just exactly what he is. His name's Guido and he's the strangest looking creature anyone in the Great Valley has ever seen. Guido's covered with multicolored 'fuzzies' (feathers), and has himself never seen another like him! Cera is having her own troubles, as her grumpy Dad and his new mate, Tria, get ready to welcome a new hatchling to the family. All of these issues come together on the night before 'the Day of the Flyers', when Guido starts to figure out what he is, inadvertently leading all of the gang on a perilous adventure into the Mysterious Beyond.
(c) 2007 Universal Studios. All rights reserved.
| Instruktør: Charles Grosvenor
Skuespillere: Anndi Mcaffee Aria Noelle Curzon Camryn Manheim Jeff Bennett John Ingle Kenneth Mars Miriam Flynn Nick Price Rob Paulsen Tress MacNeille
Producent: Charles Grosvenor