Freefall: Flight 174 | Falling From The Sky: Flight 174 |
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| Sprog: Engelsk (Dolby Digital)
Undertekst: (ikke blevet opdateret)
Antal disk: | ![](/x/div/cd.gif) | SS-SL: (DVD-5)
| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Vejret er perfekt da kaptajn Bob Pearson siger farvel til sin kone Carol og slår følgeskab med sin co-pilot Maurice Quintal i cockpittet for en rutineflyvning fra Monteal til Edmonton. Men snart opdager de den rædselsfulde sandhed... De er løbet tør for brændstof og flyet bliver til et 150 ton tungt svævefly! Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ]
23 July 1983. It should have been a routine flight for the brand-new, state-of-the-art Canadian Airways Boeing 767, outward bound from Montreal to Edmonton. Experienced pilot Captain Bob Pearson (Devane) has misgivings about some malfunctioning computer equipment, but it's the airline that now decides if a plane is airworthy, not the pilot. Pearson has no option - he needs his job so he takes the plane up, together with co-pilot Maurice Quintal (Hylands), chief engineer Rick Dion (Rekert) and air-hostess Lynn Brown (Hack).
But Pearson's fears are not misplaced. At 41,000 feet, the warning lights start to flash. Only then does Pearson realise to his horror that his plane is virtually out of fuel. So starts a full-scale emergency with the lives of Pearson's passengers and crew hanging in the balance. With no engine power and nowhere to land, and with a storm threatening, the Boeing fast becomes a 300,000-pound glider plummeting towards earth. Air traffic controller Al Williams (Turturro) does what he can to help the plane to safety, but passengers and crew must now look to one man to challenge the odds against survival and turn an almost certain disaster into the unlikeliest of triumphs: Bob Pearson. With time running out, all they can do is pray he can come up with some pretty fancy flying and achieve the impossible. |
| Instruktør: Jorge Montesi
Skuespillere: David Lewis Gloria Carlin Gwynyth Walsh Jeremy Wilkin Joel Palmer John Novak Kevin McNulty Marc Baur Mariette Hartley Molly Parker Nicholas Turturro Phil Hayes Philip Granger Scott Hylands Sheelah Megill Shelley Hack Suzy Joachim Tom Butler William Devane Winston Rekert
Producent: Joel Fields Leonard Hill Lisa Richardson Ronald H. Gilbert Tom Rowe
Forfatter: Lionel Chetwynd Marilyn Hoffer William Hoffer