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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Jordens oliekilder er tørret ud for flere årtier siden. Multinationale gigantkonssortier kæmper en nådesløs kamp om rummets energikemikalier. På Moon 44 basen forsvinder udvindingsmaskinerne. Felix Stone ankommer sammen med de fanger, der skal testflyve de nye kamphelikoptere for at afkorte deres straf, hvis de overlever. Et uovervindeligt våben i regnskabens time. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] In the year 2038, multinational corporations mine other planets for minerals and ferry them back to an Earth depleted of natural resources. Competition for mining sites is stiff, so companies hire convicts to protect them in computer navigated spaceships. Undercover agent Felix Stone (Michael Paré) poses as one such pilot in order to find out why the corporation's mining robots are going missing. An early effort from 'Independence Day' director Roland Emmerich. |
| Instruktør: Roland Emmerich
Skuespillere: Andy Howarth Bernhard Bolden Bernhard Nickel Brian Thompson Calvin Burke Christian Krumm David Williamson Dean Devlin Drew Lucas Frederic Mills Friedrich Grub Ingo Eberle James Herdig Jason Seizer Jochen Nickel John March Leon Rippy Lisa Eichhorn Lloyd Fields Malcolm McDowell Marcus Schmid Mark Feindt Mehmet Yilmaz Michael Antoniou Michael Paré Stephen Geoffreys Thomas Nickel William Begatie
Producent: Carsten H.W. Lorenz Dean Heyde Michael Scordino Roland Emmerich Ute Emmerich
Forfatter: Dean Heyde Oliver Eberle P.J. Mitchell Roland Emmerich