Patton 360° - Season 1 (4 Disk) |
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Det var en krig - og en række felttog - hvis lige man aldrig havde set. Nu placerer HISTORY dig midt i begivenhedernes centrum, hvor general George S. Patton Jr. står i spidsen for sine heroiske soldater i Nordafrika, under invasionen af Sicilien, og når de stormer gennem Europa for at styrte Hitlers Tredje Rige. Efter succesen med Battle 360 benytter PATTON 360 igen den seneste udvikling inden for computeranimation og den nyeste teknologi til at give seerne et 360-graders indblik i anden verdenskrig. Patton var en sammensat, farverig og uhyggeligt målrettet officer, som gik under navnet “Old Blood and Guts”, og nu vækkes han til live ved hjælp af arkivoptagelser, personlige dagbogsnotater og kommentarer fra historikere og krigsveteraner. Nu kan du følge de styrker, der var under hans kommando, og deltage i hele dramaet lige fra lynhurtige kampvognsangreb til Battle of the Bulge og de afgørende kampe i Tyskland, efter styrkerne har krydset Rhinen. Spænd hjelmen, og gør dig klar til et brag af en dokumentarfilm! Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] It was a war and a series of military campaigns like no other. Now HISTORY™ puts you in the action with Gen. George S. Patton, Jr. as he leads his heroic soldiers in North Africa, in the invasion of Sicily, and in the charge across Europe to defeat Hitler's Third Reich. Following on the success of Battle 360, Patton 360 uses cutting-edge computer graphic animation and the latest technology to bring viewers a 360-degree view of World War II. Patton, a complicated, colourful, and ferociously determined officer known as 'Old Blood and Guts,' springs to life with the aid of archival footage, personal diary quotes, and commentary from historians and veterans. With insight into the forces he commanded and battles he led, you'll be there for all the drama, from lightning-fast armoured assaults to the Battle of the Bulge and the final battles inside Germany after crossing the Rhine. Grab a helmet and prepare for action!• From the producers of Battle 360°, HISTORY presents General Patton’s controversial and thrilling WWII battles in stunning Blu-ray.
• Viewers experience intense fire from the land, air and sea through ground-breaking production techniques, including state-of-the-art video game graphics, mixed with archival footage, to re-animate the heart-pounding WWII battles – a must have on Blu-ray. |
| Instruktør: Tony Long
Medvirkende: Bryan Stefancyk E.J. Snyder Erik Thompson Martin K.A. Morgan Matthew Tremblay
Producent: Brian Thompson Carl H. Lindahl Douglas Cohen Julian Hobbs Louis Tarantino Rob Beemer Robert Beemer Ryan T. Hurst Sam Dolan
Forfatter: Sam Dolan