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The Queen's Diamond Jubilee - Celebration Boxset (3 Disk)

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Aldersgrænse: Fritaget for vurdering.
Længde:ca. 3 timer

  UK Import
  1 stk. på lager
 Pris:  139,95 DKK
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Engelsk (Dolby Digital 5.1)

(ikke blevet opdateret)

Widescreen (16:9)

Antal disk: 


'I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.' Princess Elizabeth of York, 1947. This was a promise delivered by Princess Elizabeth on her 21st birthday, addressing the Nation she would one day reign over. Now approaching her 60th year on the throne, her vow has not faltered and the Queen s popularity is greater than ever. But Elizabeth s relationship with her country has not always been an easy one. As the monarch who witnessed the launch of the internet and saw royal control diminish as media power surged, the Queen is the most famous and reported upon monarch in the world. But for her and her immediate royal family, this has not always been an advantage. With unrivalled archive footage from ITN source, home video and featuring interviews from royal correspondents as well as civilians, we reveal the highs and lows of Elizabeth II s reign and how she has had to adapt her own values in order to forge a place for the monarchy in modern society. Set out decade by decade, this three part series will celebrate the Queen and reveal how the Nation s 60 year love affair with this monarch has had its turbulent times, but appears to be ending with us falling in love all over again. Part one: The Young Queen 1952- 1969 Part two: The monarchy under threat 1970- 1989 Part three: Falling in love with the Queen again 1990- 2012 Stoic and calm The Queen encapsulates the best of British characteristics: strength, honour, pride. Elizabeth II s reign is not just the journey of a woman shaped by a Nation, but of a woman who shaped a nation.

Tracy Manners

Helen Mirren
Julie Andrews
Queen Elizabeth II