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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Dugfrisk forskning og banebrydende animationsteknikker vækker i disse fire programmer den fjerneste fortid til levende live præsenteret af skuespilleren Christian Slater. Dinosaur Planet giver et realistisk glimt af en forhistorisk verden, og hvert afsnit fokuserer på de mest bemærkelsesværdige fortidsskabninger - fra kontinent til kontinent. Et utroligt indblik i de forskellige racer, deres levevilkår og deres overlevelsesinstinkt.
Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] WHITE TIP'S JOURNEY: When White Tip, a female velociraptor, is separated from the rest of her pack she must struggle to survive on her own in a desert full of angry predators. Can she make it using only her wits and cunning? SETTING: 80 million years ago in the Mongolian deserts.
POD'S TRAVELS: Pod, a young raptor fights for his life in a land where giants rule by their size and strength. When a huge tidal wave turns his world upside down and sweeps him out to sea, Pod awakens as a lone castaway on a distant land populated by much smaller dinosaurs. Now, Pod is a prehistoric Gulliver stranded in the kingdom of the small. SETTING: 70 million years ago in Europe, near present-day Romania
LITTLE DAS' HUNT: In a land that echoes with the cries of killings large and small, Little Das is a young male dasletosaurus with the task of luring unsuspecting prey towards the rest of his pack. However, Das' over enthusiastic nature often lands him in trouble with his mother, the pack leader. When a monstrous volcano threatens all in its path the dinosaurs are unprepared. SETTING: 72 million years ago, near present-day Montana, US.
ALPHA'S EGG: The world is a very dangerous place for tiny hatchlings like Alpha, a female saltasaur. Follow Alpha along the road of her growth years, and on to adulthood as she becomes one of the biggest dinosaurs alive. SETTING: 80 million years ago in the South American forests of Patagonia. |
| Skuespillere: Christian Slater Scott Sampson
Producent: Discovery Channel