Landet For Længe Siden 5: Den Mystiske Ø | Land Before Time V, The - The Mysterious Island |
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| Sprog: Dansk (Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround) Engelsk (Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround) Finsk (Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround)
Undertekst: Ingen
Billedeformat: Fullscreen 1.33:1 (4:3)
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Bag den Store Dal ligger en ø fuld af skønhed og mysterier. På dette forunderlige sted møder Lillefod, Cera, Spir, Ducky og Petri gamle og nye venner. De møder spændende udfordringer og sammen oplever de deres livs eventyr. Her kommer endnu en fantrastisk tegnefilmsklassiker fyldt med glad musik og dejlige sange. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] One day, a cloud of Swarming Leaf Gobblers descends upon the Great Valley and devours every plant in sight. Now the once lush landscape is barren and empty, and the Valley herds must search for a new home until the leaves grow back. But when quarrelling among the adults threatens to separate them, Littlefoot and his prehistoric pals set off on their own.
Their search takes them across the Big Water - where strange creatures live and swim - to the shores of a mysterious island where they become reacquainted with Chomper, the adorable young sharptooth from The Great Valley Adventure! This time, the tables have turned and Chomper must protect his plant-eating friends from the sharpteeth of the island - including his own parents! | Ekstra features:
Lillefods legehus: Spil: I skjul for Skarptand & Rejsen til den Mystiske Ø Trailer: Landet For Længe Siden 10 Stjernerne fra LBT5: Biografier Hvor er tingene? Syng-Med-Sange Dinoaktiviteter Kend dinoæggene
| Instruktør: Charles Grosvenor
Skuespillere: Bradon La Croix Cannon Young Christina Pickles Jeff Bennett John Ingle Juliana Hansen Kenneth Mars Miriam Flynn Rob Paulsen Thomas Dekker Tress MacNeille
Producent: Charles Grosvenor
Forfatter: John Loy