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Seinfeld - Season 8 (Box Set) (4 Disk)

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Genre:T.V. Serie, T.V. Komedie / Farce
Aldersgrænse: Tilladt fra 11 år.
Længde:ca. 8 timer 5 minutter

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Engelsk (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Fransk (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Tysk (Dolby Digital 2.0)

Dansk, Engelsk, Finsk, Norsk, Svensk

Fullscreen 1.33:1 (4:3)

Antal disk: 


An Emmy and Golden Globe award winner for Best Comedy Series, Seinfeld is one of the most popular and longest-running comedy series of all time. Often described as a show about nothing, "Seinfeld" mines the humor in life's more mundane situations as it follows the everyday life of stand-up comedian Jerry Seinfeld and his quirky group of friends who join him in wrestling with life's most perplexing, yet often trivial questions.
Contains the now classic episodes: Yada Yada, The Bizarro Jerry (Jerry's girlfriend has man hands), The Chicken Roaster (A Kenny Rogers Chicken opens across the road and the neon lights drive Kramer mad from insomnia - even though he becomes addicted to the chicken!) The Nap (George builds a nest under his desk to have a nap at work every day!) and The Summer Of George. Possibly the best season of the lot!

The Episodes:
  1. The Foundation
  2. The Soul Mate
  3. The Bizarro Jerry
  4. The Little Kicks
  5. The Package
  6. The Fatigues
  7. The Checks
  8. The Chicken Roaster
  9. The Abstinence
  10. The Andrea Doria
  11. The Little Jerry
  12. The Comeback
  13. The Money
  14. The Van Buren Boys
  15. The Susie
  16. The Pothole
  17. The English Patient
  18. The Nap
  19. The Yada Yada
  20. The Millennium
  21. The Muffin Tops
  22. The Summer Of George
Ekstra features:

Splinternye Interviews Med Folk I Og Bag Kulissen
Bloober Real
Deleted Scenes
Trivia About Each Episode
Jerry Seinfeld: Submarine Captain
Yada, Yada, Yada

Samme Serie:
Seinfeld - Season 31990
Seinfeld - Season 41993
Seinfeld - Season 5
Seinfeld - Season 6
Seinfeld - Season 71990
Seinfeld - Seasons 1-21990

Andy Ackerman

Bruce Davison
Dana Patrick
Diana Castle
Estelle Harris
Grace Zabriskie
Harry S. Murphy
Herb Mitchell
J. Patrick McCormack
James Lesure
Janeane Garofalo
Jason Alexander
Jerry Seinfeld
Jerry Stiller
Jill Holden
Jill Talley
Joe Urla
John O'Hurley
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Justina Vail
Kim Myers
Kristin Bauer
Kyle T. Heffner
Larry David
Lauren Bowles
Lawrence Mandley
Lisa Mende
Liz Sheridan
Luana Walters
Mark Larson
Michael Richards
Neil Giuntoli
Paige Tamada
Pat Kilbane
Peggy Lane O'Rourke
Rebecca McFarland
Rende Rae Norman
Robert Louis Kempf
Robert Padnick
Robin Nance
Ruth Cohen
Shireen Crutchfield
Stuart Quan
Tim DeKay
Tim O'Hare
Todd Bosley
Tommy Redmond Hicks
Warren Frost
Wayne Knight

Alec Berg
David Mandel
Jeff Schaffer
Peter Mehlman
Spike Feresten