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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Superstjernen Robin Williams spiller Tom Dobbs - en komiker, der har fået succes ved at sige tingene lige ud. Da han beslutter sig for at stille op til præsidentvalget, for at gøre godt og grundigt grin med politikerne, sker der helt usandsynlige: han vinder valget! Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] American satirical comedy about a fast-talking TV talk show host who gets more than he bargained for when the audience take him at his word. Robin Williams plays voice-of-the-people talk show host Tom Dobbs, who, suggesting he could do a better job at running the White House, finds himself swept into office on the back of his huge national fan base. It's not long before he finds out that his win is due to a computer error when the votes were counted, causing him some major soul-searching as he tries to decide whether to continue as the President, or go back to the day job he loves. |
| Instruktør: Barry Levinson
Skuespillere: Amy Poehler Brandon Firla Cathleen Crier Chris Matthews Christopher Walken Dave Nichols David Alpay David Ferry Dmitry Chepovetsky Doug Murray Faith Daniels James Carville Jeff Goldblum Karen Hines Laura Linney Lewis Black Linda Kash Rick Roberts Robin Williams Tina Fey
Producent: Barry Levinson David C. Robinson David Coatsworth Guy McElwaine James G. Robinson Robert N. Fried Sebastian Bru
Forfatter: Barry Levinson