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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Mike Deerfield er netop hjemvendt fra tjeneste i Irak, da hans forældre modtager et opkald fra militæret om, at deres søn ikke er dukket op på kasernen. Mikes far, Hank Deerfield (Tommy Lee Jones), er sikker på, at Mike aldrig ville blive væk fra tjeneste, og han er overbevist om, at noget er helt galt. Med hjælp fra betjenten Emily Sanders (Charlize Theron) forsøger han at finde frem til sandheden bag sønnens forsvinden. Men efterhånden som realiteterne begynder at gå op for Hank, bliver han tvunget til at erkende, at hans søns liv var præget af større hemmeligheder, end han nogensinde havde drømt om. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Your son is missing. It's the phone call every soldier's father dreads. Hank Deerfield (Tommy Lee Jones) had never thought that this call would come whilst his son was in the U.S., home from serving in Baghdad. Facing military indifference to the disappearance, Hank takes matters into his own hands to discover what's happened to his son and with the reluctant help of police detective Emily Sanders (Charlize Theron), Hank embarks on a journey that will bring him up against the closed ranks of the armed forces and the harsh realities of modern warfare. | Ekstra features:
Featurette: After Iraq Coming Home: Deleted Scene
Awards nomineringer. | |
| Instruktør: Paul Haggis
Skuespillere: Barry Corbin Brent Briscoe Brent Sexton Charlize Theron Frances Fisher Greg Serano Jake McLaughlin James Franco Jason Patric Jonathan Tucker Josh Brolin Mehcad Brooks Roman Arabia Susan Sarandon Tommy Lee Jones Victor Wolf Wayne Duvall Wes Chatham
Producent: Bob Hayward Darlene Caamano Loquet David Garrett Emilio Diez Barroso Erik Feig Gregory J. Gettas James A. Holt Karim Abouobayd Laurence Becsey Patrick Wachsberger Paul Haggis
Forfatter: Mark Boal Mark Boals Paul Haggis